For detailed pricing for particular PCB project please send following data:

  • company name, contact data especially to PCB designer, or Project leader;
  • data files and data files information e.g. format, layers;
  • mechanical data for PCB – line cutting, milling, drilling diameter, thickness and type of laminate, thickness of copper;
  • additional coverage – solder mask (type, colour), chemical gold plating, carbon paste covering, peelable mask,
  • description, electrical test, etc.;
  • panel composition preferences.

Above mentioned data are most welcome by e-mail to:
traczyk@eve.com.pl or eve@eve.com.pl

We also invite You to contact us for further information by phone from 8:00 AM to 3:00 PM:
+48 22 783-51-12 or +48 32 266-57-37